Living witnesses who knew the comfort women during the war
Testimony of a former Japanese soldier There were also some Jyorouya (brothels), where Japanese prostitutes worked.All such places were for officers, because average soldiers couldn’t afford them.Groups of comfort women were sent …
The video relates the experiences of Takayuki Kuraishi (aged 91), a former member of the Japanese Imperial Army, who served on the Southern Front in Vietnam and Cambodia Mr.Takayuki Kuraishi: During the war, I heard from a war co…
This video shows a Taiwanese eye witness commenting about the time when Taiwan was under the rule of Japan. "The South Korean government is telling total lies. For example, regarding the comfort women for Japan in those days, they were all…
The video shows testimony from someone who had spoken to a Korean comfort woman which I heard when entering a brothel house in Manchuria. When I asked the Korean comfort woman, “Why did you come here?”, She said,“One day, a broker…